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How CQ Hyper-Automation Enables Faster Decision-Making Across Quality and Safety Processes
Blog | June 28th, 2022

How CQ Hyper-Automation Enables Faster Decision-Making Across Quality and Safety Processes

We built CQ.AI with the vision to enable business leaders to implement hyper-automation in their quality and safety processes. But, before we get into the specific capabilities of CQ.AI, let us answer a very simple question:

What is Hyper-automation?

Hyper-automation is an end-to-end approach to make use of an ecosystem of automation-related technologies – to automate all business processes that can or should be automated. It uses artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), robotic process automation (RPA), and other technologies to transform both modern and legacy processes.

Wondering if we’re using AI and hyper-automation as buzzwords software vendors? Not at all! See for yourself how ComplianceQuest is leveraging these cutting-edge technologies to make life easier for quality, regulatory and health & safety leaders.

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Broadly speaking, there are three types of automations:

  • Task automation: consists of automating short-running, routine tasks for quick benefits. From a quality perspective, this could be as simple as automatically notifying a stakeholder once a CAPA is triggered or an audit is scheduled with an e-mail notification.
  • Process automation: orchestrating and automating long-running processes to deliver higher business value. Examples include eliminating redundant complaint records by detecting duplicates and automatically merging and closing them.
  • Augmentation: empower knowledge workers with intelligent capabilities and enable self-service for customers. This could be spotting a non-conformance that is fairly similar to an earlier one that was detected and automatically recommending escalation to CAPA.

ComplianceQuest’s AI and Hyper-automation Capabilities Drive Operational Efficiency

In the latest Summer 2022 release of ComplianceQuest, we took our hyper-automation and AI capabilities to the next level. We’re well aware that the usage of buzzwords like AI and hyper-automation are overdone today, and we’ve carefully chosen to include only very specific features that end-users, quality and safety leaders actually benefit from.

In this blog, we detail some of these use-cases and explain exatly how CQ.AI practically empowers various stakeholders by optimizing quality and safety processes. Read on.

Usage of AI For Better Complaint Handling and Swifter Response

One area where we’ve always used AI to drive efficiency and speed is in the Complaint Management solution.

Often, quality teams have too many decisions to make with respect to complaint classification, priority, reportability and risk classification. Decision bias and human-error are bound to happen, but this can be greatly reduced by using the right AI technologies. By leveraging the CQ.AI framework, we enabled below AI-powered capabilities :

  • Automated categorization and/or classification of Complaints
  • Automated determination of Complaints reportability
  • Automated recommendation of Complaint Risk Level
  • Detect existing repeat/trending issues Complaints to flag potential opportunities for risk mitigation. Extract data elements and insights from Complaint intake to auto-populate Complaint record (POC)
  • Core integration automation of Salesforce Services Case to Complaints through intelligent triage
  • Retrieve and select Complaint records with semantically similar descriptions to start an investigation
  • Reduce redundant Complaint records by detecting duplicates and automatically merging and closing them

Using Hyper-Automation to Reduce Redundant Work Across Audits, Non-Conformance Management

As a quality and safety leader, you are probably also looking for ways to reduce manual work wherever possible. By using CQ’s AI framework, we’re able to take advantage of unique capabilities to simplify complicated workflows.

The automatic capture of insights from data – or what we call intelligent recommendations, can help optimize processes and bring immense benefits. With CQ.AI, the following capabilities are available:

  • Next Best Action recommendation in quality and safety workflows
  • Automatic suggestion of audit finding type based on the description of previous similar findings
  • Similar audit findings identification to determine reoccurrence
  • Similar nonconformance identification to determine reoccurrence and recommendation to escalate to CAPA

CQ Control Towers to Unify Data, Collaborative processes and Open Action Items

ComplianceQuest’s Quality and Safety Control Towers are used by various stakeholders including quality, safety and executive teams. It makes it easy to have a finger on the pulse of all quality and safety metrics, in addition to “tracking, monitoring and acting” on all open action items. The best part of CQ’s Control Tower, part of our Management Review Solution, is that it is not only data, but “what next.” It helps you move to the next step in the decision-making and implementation process with the help of data.

To summarize, our next-generation Control Towers enable the following:

  • Advanced analytics across the (quality and safety) value chain presented with dashboards, charts, trends, etc.
  • It is not only about data, but the control towers also make it easier to collaborate and “act” on the next steps
  • Thanks to intelligent automation, valuable time can be spent on higher-value tasks around decision-making and analysis

Overall, we believe that the role of hyper-automation will drive efficiency into several quality and safety management processes, including risk management, safety observations handling, complaints handling, audits, CAPA and supplier management efforts.

It enables faster (and possibly better) decision-making, increases the productivity of people, gives users improve data access and overall drives effectiveness.

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