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Join ConQuest 2025 | ComplianceQuest User Conference | April 8–10, Clearwater Beach, FL

Discover your potential savings with our ROI Calculator

  ROI Calculator

Your Digital Quality+ Transformation Journey ROI Calculator

ComplianceQuest ROI Calculator

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ComplianceQuest ROI Calculator

Typical ROI

Total number of active documents in your quality management system

How many of those documents do you actively train employees on in a year?

Number of employees in the organization

How many new quality events are opened each month?

Of those, how many quality events are resolved/closed each month?

How many change orders (including engineering changes) per month?

Number of key and critical suppliers

Number of suppliers with whom you interact per month

Total number of internal & external audits performed in a year

Number of findings per audit

Time to analyze the data for management reviews (hours per month)

Total Saving with

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Key Quality
Management Activities
Document Management
Training Management
Event Management
Change Management
Audit Management
Supplier Management
Data Analysis
Total time & costs
To know the other benefits, Contact us
ComplianceQuest Agents


Average salary
FT working days
Average hourly cost per employee
Percent of documents routed for approval annually (45%)
Percent of documents revised annually (%)
Time for document review in minutes
Number of new documents created annually (10%)
Time to create a new document (minutes)
Time to revise an existing document (minutes)
Time to manage the document lifecycle, per document (minutes)
Time to locate documents, per document (minutes)
Average number of documents (5%)
Assigning/organizing training per person (minutes)
Completing training (including accessing/reading document and employee signature collection) per document (minutes)
Tracking/reporting on training status per person per document (minutes)
Percent of active events that require root cause analysis (%)
Time to conduct root cause analysis, per event (minutes)
Time to manage event resolutions from start to close (minutes)
Time to manage escalated CAPAs, per event (minutes). (Assume 25% of events are escalated to a CAPA)
Time to document all event workflow activities (by all personnel), per event (minutes)
Time to retrieve event documentation, per event (minutes)
Time to manage a change order from start to close per min (Not including implementation)
Time to document all change activities per change per min (not including control doc changes)
No. of internal and external audits per year
Avg. time spent per audit (from start to close incl. preparation) (in Mins)
No of audit findings per year (avg 5 per audit so No. of internal and external audits per year x 5)
Avg. time to close out an audit finding per audit (in Mins)
No. of key and critical suppliers
No. of hours spent on creating documentation per new Supplier (Procurement & Quality)
No. of hours spent on-boarding each new Supplier (10% per year?)
No of hours managing all activities for each key supplier per year (assume 30 days/year or 240hrs)
Time to create, analyze and report the data

How it works

  • Adjust the sliders to match your business operations, from the total number of active documents in your Quality Management System (QMS) to the time required for data analysis.
  • Observe your Return on Investment (ROI) below, determined by comparing the time saved in each process by transitioning to ComplianceQuest.
  • For a more precise net figure, visit the Assumptions tab and make any necessary adjustments!
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