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Real-time Data Analytics

real time data analytics

Insights to Make Data-based Business Decisions

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real time data analytics

Imagine the power of having easy, instant access to the key performance drivers and real-time analytics you need to steer your business to success. With ComplianceQuest, that power is as close as a web browser. Our dashboards provide a single, corporate scorecard for an at-a-glance overview of your entire business, covering all quality, and safety processes.

Features of Dashboards and Reports

A Customized Dashboard For Every Role

Different executives and managers care about different things. Because one size does not fit all, you can set up multiple, customized dashboards so that everyone gets exactly the information they need for their roles. You can highlight critical information and exceptions for quick identification. Plus, you can easily and securely distribute dashboards to select people in your organization when you need to share data.

An Early Warning System For Potential Problems

With dashboards, you’ll easily spot potential business problems. Easy-to-use data visualization tools enable you to identify trends using charts, tables, and other graphics. Drill-down capabilities allow you to dig into your underlying data and leverage ComplianceQuest’s powerful analytics tool to build trend reports, matrix reports, and identify root causes of any weakness in your business.

Up-To-The-Minute Information With One Click

Dashboards put an end to outdated data. With one-click dashboard refreshment, you’ll know exactly what’s happening in your business, right now. Because nothing is more powerful than real-time business data delivered to you as quickly as the click of your mouse.

A Consolidated View Across All Your Systems

Thanks to the integration capabilities of the ComplianceQuest application’s underlying platform, you can integrate dashboards with third-party analytics for a consolidated view of ComplianceQuest data as well as data from virtually any other system in the enterprise.

Report Builder

With an intuitive, easy to use, drag and drop report builder, managers, business analysts, and IT professionals can easily create compelling reports that provide employees and partners with the requisite information to make business decisions easily and quickly.

Data Control

With integrated security, you can decide who can view which report and also what data within the system is reportable. Reports can be shared with a specific set of individuals, groups of people, the public and can even be made completely private. Reporting security is flexible enough to accommodate the most stringent security requirements.

Report Scheduler

Do you need reports to come to you at a set schedule? No problem. The CQ-DR provides for a robust reporting scheduler. Specify the report that should be scheduled, who should receive it, days and the time when the report should be run. The reporting scheduler is there to work for you and have the results delivered to your inbox to maximize productivity.

Report Configuration

Reports can be tailored with pre-defined filters which can be tailored further at run-time. The report data output can be exported into Excel and CSV formats. You can even tailor your report subscription such that the report is delivered to your inbox when certain conditions such as ‘Number of Non-Conformance raised’ are more than 5 in a given week.


Reach out to others across the enterprise and in the supply chain to solicit feedback without having to give ownership of the tasks.

Mobile Access

Access your QHSE solution on the go- anywhere, anytime and on any device. Complete access to the solution including reports, approvals, record views, reviews, alerts, etc. ensures business continuity and improves efficiency, visibility and flexibility.

Reporting And Analytics

Utilize pre-developed best practices based reports. Create any number of additional reports and dashboards to suit your requirement. Information is easily retrievable, helping you make quick decisions.

Social Like & Follow

Like and follow relevant records in the system. Choose to be notified via email, dashboard, and mobile to stay abreast of developments.

Embedded Analytics

Unleash the power of Embedded Analytics, designed to empower NC Owners with datadriven insights and trending patterns!

It helps make informed and strategic decisions on the progression of NC records with confidence and precision.

Safety Control Towers

Safety Control Towers, leveraging advanced analytics, provides thorough incident analysis. It effortlessly allows users to

  • Analyze both current and historical incident data

  • Identify emerging trends, and

  • Gain actionable insights for effective incident prevention

  • A Customized Dashboard For Every Role

    Different executives and managers care about different things. Because one size does not fit all, you can set up multiple, customized dashboards so that everyone gets exactly the information they need for their roles. You can highlight critical information and exceptions for quick identification. Plus, you can easily and securely distribute dashboards to select people in your organization when you need to share data.

  • An Early Warning System For Potential Problems

    With dashboards, you’ll easily spot potential business problems. Easy-to-use data visualization tools enable you to identify trends using charts, tables, and other graphics. Drill-down capabilities allow you to dig into your underlying data and leverage ComplianceQuest’s powerful analytics tool to build trend reports, matrix reports, and identify root causes of any weakness in your business.

  • Up-To-The-Minute Information With One Click

    Dashboards put an end to outdated data. With one-click dashboard refreshment, you’ll know exactly what’s happening in your business, right now. Because nothing is more powerful than real-time business data delivered to you as quickly as the click of your mouse.

  • A Consolidated View Across All Your Systems

    Thanks to the integration capabilities of the ComplianceQuest application’s underlying platform, you can integrate dashboards with third-party analytics for a consolidated view of ComplianceQuest data as well as data from virtually any other system in the enterprise.

  • Report Builder

    With an intuitive, easy to use, drag and drop report builder, managers, business analysts, and IT professionals can easily create compelling reports that provide employees and partners with the requisite information to make business decisions easily and quickly.

  • Data Control

    With integrated security, you can decide who can view which report and also what data within the system is reportable. Reports can be shared with a specific set of individuals, groups of people, the public and can even be made completely private. Reporting security is flexible enough to accommodate the most stringent security requirements.

  • Report Scheduler

    Do you need reports to come to you at a set schedule? No problem. The CQ-DR provides for a robust reporting scheduler. Specify the report that should be scheduled, who should receive it, days and the time when the report should be run. The reporting scheduler is there to work for you and have the results delivered to your inbox to maximize productivity.

  • Report Configuration

    Reports can be tailored with pre-defined filters which can be tailored further at run-time. The report data output can be exported into Excel and CSV formats. You can even tailor your report subscription such that the report is delivered to your inbox when certain conditions such as ‘Number of Non-Conformance raised’ are more than 5 in a given week.

  • Collaboration

    Reach out to others across the enterprise and in the supply chain to solicit feedback without having to give ownership of the tasks.

  • Mobile Access

    Access your QHSE solution on the go- anywhere, anytime and on any device. Complete access to the solution including reports, approvals, record views, reviews, alerts, etc. ensures business continuity and improves efficiency, visibility and flexibility.

  • Reporting And Analytics

    Utilize pre-developed best practices based reports. Create any number of additional reports and dashboards to suit your requirement. Information is easily retrievable, helping you make quick decisions.

  • Social Like & Follow

    Like and follow relevant records in the system. Choose to be notified via email, dashboard, and mobile to stay abreast of developments.

  • Embedded Analytics

    Unleash the power of Embedded Analytics, designed to empower NC Owners with datadriven insights and trending patterns!

    It helps make informed and strategic decisions on the progression of NC records with confidence and precision.

  • Safety Control Towers

    Safety Control Towers, leveraging advanced analytics, provides thorough incident analysis. It effortlessly allows users to

    • Analyze both current and historical incident data
    • Identify emerging trends, and
    • Gain actionable insights for effective incident prevention

Insights: To Make Your Next Business Decision

Control over compliance and quality is essential in any manufacturing environment, and precision is critical. Without broad visibility into accurate and timely operational data, a company will be left behind in today’s increasingly competitive marketplace. With CQ-DR you no longer have to hunt around for information from multiple reports and sources. Dashboards give your organization a complete picture of the health of your business in a one-page snapshot featuring benchmarks and critical corporate metrics and data.

insights to make decision
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