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Join ConQuest 2025 | ComplianceQuest User Conference | April 8–10, Clearwater Beach, FL

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  Platform  >  Salesforce  >  Why Salesforce?

Why Salesforce?

Salesforce enables businesses to excel with scalable solutions, enhancing collaboration, data-driven decisions, and exceptional customer experiences

why salesforce safety
why salesforce safety
CQ quality and safety on salesforce
CQ quality and safety on salesforce

Discover the benefits of adding Product Lifecycle, Quality and Safety to Salesforce capabilities. Salesforce Service and Health Cloud combined with CQ Product lifecycle, Quality and Safety can transform the delivery of Patient and Field Services into a faster, more efficient and compliant process resulting in improved customer/patient experience and higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.

While Salesforce provides many critical functions for sales and services it does not provide quality and safety functionality like Complaints regulatory reporting, document control and employee competency training, quality and safety incidents, risk mitigation, and supplier management.

In the past quality and safety systems were disparate throughout an organization requiring complex system interfaces to connect to Salesforce CRM or services to synchronize data and pass transactions. ComplianceQuest solves all these challenges because it is developed natively on the Salesforce platform. Salesforce CRM and service and ComplianceQuest share the same data model, user interface, system administration, security profiles, reporting and analytic tools, collaboration tools, workflow engine, AI and more.

ComplianceQuest Product Lifecycle, Quality and Safety Management on Salesforce gives manufacturers a 360-degree view of customers/patients, suppliers, contract manufacturers, and products helping an organization to shift from reacting to quality and safety events to predictive and proactive management, turning data into intelligent and actionable insights. This helps manufacturers to accelerate product innovation, speed to market and operational excellence, meet regulatory requirements, and improve customer satisfaction through a smart, adaptable, flexible and Salesforce-connected management platform.

Product Lifecycle, Quality and Safety on Salesforce

There are several key reasons why businesses choose ComplianceQuest Product Lifecycle, Quality & Safety Management on the Salesforce Platform:

  • green check

    Complete Control

    Easily accessible data and documents – available anywhere, anytime.

  • green check

    Future Ready

    Reliable, versatile and scalable for all size companies.

  • green check

    Reduced Cost

    Significant cost reduction with worry-free infrastructure and maintenance.

  • Configurable

    Flexible and tailorable to meet customer and industry requirements.

  • User Experience

    Single user interface that can communicate between modules and Salesforce eco-system to enhance the overall visibility and collaboration across the enterprise.

  • Increased Value

    Through rapid implementation to improve productivity, efficiencies, and overall effectiveness.

  • Compliance

    Leverage out of the box best practices processes reducing cost of compliance.

  • Seamless integration

    With Salesforce CRM, Service Cloud and Health Cloud and other Appexchange vendors to provide better customer service.

Faster ROI with Salesforce Product Lifecycle, Quality & Safety Management System

Perhaps the most important measure of success of a quality & safety management system is return on investment. As a business, you can realize a faster ROI with ComplianceQuest on Salesforce than with on-premise QMS or EHS systems:

CAPA raised per Year

Implement Salesforce Product Lifecycle, Quality & Safety systems faster than legacy, on-premise systems.

CAPA raised per Year

Lower your capital expenditures. With no expensive hardware and databases to install, configure and manage, these expenses are significantly lower with Salesforce Quality & Safety systems like ComplianceQuest.

CAPA raised per Year

Lower your integration costs. ComplianceQuest helps you avoid the high costs of product lifecycle, quality & safety to CRM and services integration and maintenance associated with on-premise or multi-cloud Product Lifecycle, Quality and Safety Solutions and frees your IT departments to work on more strategic projects.

CAPA raised per Year

Lower system administration costs. Because product lifecycle, quality & safety and CRM and services share the same user permission sets, security systems and database, your Salesforce admin can manage both ComplianceQuest and Salesforce easily.

CAPA raised per Year

Lower training costs. ComplianceQuest and Salesforce share the same user interface, reporting, dashboarding, AI, workflow, social media, community and app development tools. Eliminate the training costs of additional cloud or on-premise product lifecycle, quality & safety systems.

CAPA raised per Year

Devote more time to enhancing functionality and user experience to meet your business needs. Without the excessive IT, system administration, training and integration cost burden of an additional platform, you can invest your resources in configuring workflows, user interface, reports, and analytics to adapt quickly using clicks not code with Salesforce no/low-code technology to move your business forward.

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