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How Technology can Play a Part in Safety Training and Enhancing Safety Through Tech Enabled PPE

Whitepaper | August, 2022

Technology is being used to improve workplace safety and is becoming more advanced each year. Many businesses are at high risk of workplace injuries, and it is critical for businesses to take responsibility for ensuring employee safety. It is critical to use technology to ensure employee safety not only to remain OSHA compliant but also to reduce injuries and fatalities.

Wearable technology that can track biometrics, make calls, read barcodes, and identify exposure limits to dangerous substances is also helping to increase worker safety. In order to stop similar illnesses from affecting other workers in the future, wearable technology can identify ailments that are tied to the workplace. Safety technology at work has enhanced employee health and increased employee satisfaction with their organization.

In this video whitepaper, we talk about:

  • Role of technology in the safety training
  • Enhancing safety through tech-enabled PPE
  • How ComplianceQuest as a solution can help you manage your health and safety initiative
  • And more

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