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Closing the Skill Gap in the C&GT Manufacturing Sector with World-class Training Management

Whitepaper | February, 2022

According to recent research, 70% of adverse events reported across clinical trials are preventable. Of these, more than 60% are caused by technical errors and 17% by inappropriate diagnosis. In C&GT trials, additional sources of quality risks include:

  • Failure to follow an investigational plan (51%)
  • Inadequate and inaccurate records (33%), with special reference to chains of custody and identity

In the study, it was clear that these failures are a result of a lack of training and experience of clinical delivery teams. Researchers recommended that C&GT operational education should not be restricted to a specific protocol but encompass the entire lifecycle delivered through a training platform that provides real-time safety updates, new risk profiles, and scientific advances, to empower research teams throughout product development and manufacturing.

C&GT manufacturing companies need to develop a dynamic training program that aligns with the on-the-job needs of their employees. It must be delivered in a way that enables self-learning, continuous on-the-job training, periodic performance assessments, and ongoing additions to the curriculum. But how can C&GT manufacturers customize training programs, understand the skills needed, identify gaps, deliver, and keep track of all the training? They need the right technology.

In this whitepaper we talk about:

  • The rising talent gap in CAGT industry
  • Key areas where upskilling is critical
  • How ComplianceQuest’s training management software can help in upskilling
  • And more

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