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A 4-Step Guide to Digitalizing Shop Floor Operations in 2021

Whitepaper | January, 2021

The shop floor is the core of any manufacturing company. Getting your systems and processes right for each of your plants is absolutely essential. As manufacturing companies – especially medical device manufacturers – restart operations, it is paramount that quality & safety management, employee health and workplace safety processes are robust. Each plant certainly requires new safety and quality processes, in addition to focused risk mitigation efforts. It has to be designed for the new normal keeping in mind the latest regulatory needs.

The checklist below offers a guideline for plant heads to restart shop floor operations with safety and quality at its core. For ease of use, we have divided the checklist into four categories:

  • Gap Analysis
  • Workflow Improvements
  • Shop floor data integrated with the entire ERP, EQMS & EHS system
  • Continuous Improvement, taking advantage of predictive analytics and proactive measures

At ComplianceQuest, we put together this checklist based on our experience of implementing our QHSE (EQMS + EHS) product at 1000+ customer locations across the world. We’ve served shop floor leaders across a range of sectors including automotive, medical device, oil and gas, electronics and hi-tech, consumer goods and more.

Please do keep in mind that the above checklists are only guidelines and by no means are exhaustive. Get your copy of this checklist whitepaper now.

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