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Steering the Successful Transition to Digital Technology for Quality Assurance in Clinical Trials
CQ Hero | February 9th, 2024

Steering the Successful Transition to Digital Technology for Quality Assurance in Clinical Trials

The quality assurance transformation of one clinical research startup can be largely attributed to the visionary leadership of Mariah Fisher. She was at the forefront of shifting Circuit Clinical’s traditionally manual and paperwork-heavy documentation into the digital age, marking a significant paradigm shift for the company and varied from the norm of the clinical research industry.

When Mariah Fisher joined Circuit Clinical as a Research Assistant, she wore many hats in the expanding startup environment, simultaneously transitioning roles and spearheading innovation. Today, she helms the position of Quality Assurance Manager, a beacon for digital change, focused on the company’s policy regulations from a broader perspective.

Fisher recounts her experiences at Circuit Clinical: “We were a small company, centrally located and based out of Buffalo, New York. Then, our company started to expand to different states. The centrally managed system that we were using was very manual and paper-based, and we knew that it wasn’t sustainable for growth. With the COVID-19 pandemic coming in, the industry changed drastically, and working remotely became more common. That threw a wrench in everything.”

“The COVID-19 crisis definitely helped to drive home the benefits of embracing electronic document versions,” she continues, “With clinical research, there are documents that need to be completed at the site. The pandemic allowed us the opportunity to try something new, with forms being completed and electronically submitted on a tablet or a computer.”

Amid the challenges brought about by the pandemic, Fisher turned a potential setback into an opportunity to revolutionize traditional norms within the industry: “That was when we started using Salesforce and then ComplianceQuest. It made it easier to keep track of people who were remote or just in different parts of the company and gave more people access to the information they needed. Mostly, it helped keep everybody on the same page.”

An evangelist of quality, Fisher constantly endeavors for efficiency and strives for the best versions of operations and systems within the industry. She encourages her team, helping them align their professional goals with personal growth while keeping their focus on the broader team goals.

With regard to the changes that have been brought about due to the digital transformation, Fisher asserts, “Quality is one of our initiatives this year, so we are all motivated and committed to achieving those goals.”

She adds further, “Quality is embedded in Circuit Clinical. It may require some to move out of their comfort zones, but ultimately, it’s beneficial to our growth.”

ComplianceQuest has notably improved life for Fisher and her team by creating a central hub for vital information from various departments and satellite offices, thus reducing time spent navigating different platforms. It ensures transparency, enables quick and efficient access to essential data, and facilitates a smoother workflow.

Discussing her journey at Circuit Clinical, Fisher shares valuable insights: “There's always work to do. Tackle one thing at a time, make your goals bite-sized, and remember to celebrate your progress.”

The QA Manager of Circuit Clinical relishes the process of bringing improvements and serving as the glue in communication within the team. “If there's an issue, we must understand what's going on. I enjoy how quality brings people together and fine-tunes processes to better the overall experience,” she emphasizes.

And, as far as personality alignment with roles goes, she believes her ability to empathetically communicate to find a solution perfectly complements her position in the company.

As her remarkable journey demonstrates, Mariah Fisher is indeed the epitome of a digital revolution in her field, creating remarkable transformations and continuing to serve as a guide to the ever-evolving company.

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