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A Structured Approach to Drive Safety Transformation at Life Sciences Companies

Whitepaper | December, 2022

Life sciences is one of the most regulated industries across the world – both in developed as well as in developing countries. Companies across the life sciences sector including medical device manufacturers, pharma, biotech, biomedical technology, and healthcare services companies are facing several challenges in meeting compliance requirements, ensuring employee safety, and reducing recurring injuries.

Health & Safety (H&S) leaders need to ensure that all OSHA and other safety compliance requirements are being followed. In addition to general workplace safety guidelines, it is also important for life sciences companies to plan safety precautions against the use of hazardous chemicals, biological hazards, etc.

Safety transformation should be planned out properly due to the cost, time, and operational implications. A badly implemented safety management system can have only a limited impact and may soon be abandoned due to its ineffectiveness. While digital transformation is essential in today’s world of greater awareness about workplace safety and stringent regulations — a systematic approach is just as important.

The gaps have been identified, policies and processes established, and employees made aware of the importance of and their role in safety management. Next, businesses must assess digital tools suited to their organization to effect a digital transformation of safety management in their organization.

A good digital safety management system should be cloud-based, to facilitate collaboration across geographies and minimize the cost of the solution. It should align with the leading and applicable regulations and standards so that keeping pace and making changes becomes easier. It should be modular so that businesses can choose the modules they need based on their priorities.

Further, the solution should enable businesses with reacting to events and incidents quickly, prevent incidents from happening or recurring in the future, and proactively facilitate predicting potential events for continuous improvement.

In this whitepaper, we talk about: 

  • A framework for safety transformation at life sciences companies
  • Safety Management at life sciences companies: need for automation
  • ComplianceQuest’s cloud-based Safety Management Solution for life sciences companies
  • And more

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