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The Conclusive Guide to Employee Health and Safety for your Manufacturing Company

Whitepaper | July, 2022

Manufacturing companies need a proactive approach to workplace health and safety to truly bring down costs and improve employee morale, productivity, brand reputation, customer loyalty, and revenues. They need to invest in the well-being of their employee, going beyond protecting them from injuries and ensuring they provide an enabling environment that improves their contribution to the growth of the company.

It has been found that businesses that care for their employees and ensure their well-being, benefit from employees who are more involved in their roles and contribute positively to the company’s growth. Regulatory bodies also encourage creating a culture of safety, empowering workers with tools to record incidents, observations, and near misses.

By automating safety workflows, manufacturing industries can identify risks, trends, and implement controls to prevent events from happening. In case an event does happen, it can help with recording the incident accurately, tracking progress, conducting a root cause analysis, and ensuring the prevention of recurrence in the future.

Ensuring workplace safety is not a one-time activity, nor is it doing just one thing. It requires a multidisciplinary, multi-pronged approach, needs continuous review and improvement, and needs commitment from across the organization to be effective.

In this eBook, we explore the following topics:

  • Why every industrial and manufacturing company needs to embark on a safety transformation program
  • 7 Tips to proactively address safety risks in the manufacturing sector
  • Are you measuring only lagging indicators to track health & safety? If yes, it is time to change
  • Safety Control Tower: Diving from 50,000 feet to 5 feet in a jiffy
  • Why automation of your Permit to Work (PTW) system is critical
  • How ergonomic injuries in the manufacturing industry can be prevented
  • And more

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