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Virtual Clinical Trials : Everything You Need to Know

Whitepaper | November, 2021

For the last several years, although the virtual clinical trial was popular, sponsors and researchers have always been hesitant to embrace it wholeheartedly for many reasons. However, there was a drastic change in perception ever since the COVID-19 pandemic became a disruptor to the traditional clinical trial model.

According to a McKinsey report published in October 2020, several clinical trials had been suspended in the early days of the pandemic. But once it was clear that this couldn’t go on and clinical trials had to restart, virtual trials became the norm for several research initiatives. More than 50% of the interactions between the lead physician and patients were done virtually as against 8% pre-pandemic. A shift in clinical testing regulatory amendments and protocols of clinical trial pharmacovigilance and safety has also been reported.

The pharmaceutical industry has been forced to find new and innovative approaches to try during clinical trials. Consequently, the virtual trial is now perceived as a meaningful alternative to the traditional clinical trial method.

In this e-Book, we offer guidelines on the following topics:

  • Chapter 1: 4 Things to Consider Before Setting Up Virtual Clinical Trial
  • Chapter 2: Virtual Trials and Technology Enablement
  • Chapter 3: How will Decentralized Clinical Trials (DCT) Dominate 2021 and beyond
  • Chapter 4: Benefits and Challenges of Virtual Clinical Trials

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