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Document and Learning Management: Digital, Data and People Transformation to Improve Compliance and Quality

Whitepaper | June, 2023

Digital transformation involves many things. It requires all documents to be digitized, workflows to be automated, improved visibility of data, and integrated management of all critical operations. The workforce needs to be trained to meet these new requirements and understand the potential uses of digital technologies to leverage them and effect the changes they desire. A cloud-based enterprise-wide quality and safety management system acts as an enabler in providing employees with the data, training, and tools necessary to drive a digital transformation.

Post Covid-19 pandemic, the speed of transformation changed dramatically due to the need for remote working and virtual collaboration. Companies were forced to digitalize, or else they would have been in the dark when it comes to key information and metrics tracking. But the benefits of automation go far beyond just enabling remote communication. This includes even improving product and process quality as well as workplace safety and health. While physical injuries may have come down, mental health, musculoskeletal disorders, and screen time-related injuries/illnesses are rising. This has an impact on workforce productivity and participation in the workplace, thereby affecting product and process quality.

As regulations and standards indicate, quality and safety are tightly integrated. Only when employees feel safe will they be more engaged and contribute to improving quality. And only where there is a culture of quality will there be greater safety.  

Digitalization of the workplace has not only provided employees with tools to improve their productivity but also proactively focus on quality and safety. It enables automation of document management, training management, and change management, critical for improving product quality and worker health and safety.

In this eBook, we look at some of the key aspects of Digital Transformation, and Document and Learning Management, covering:

  • Document-training-change management automation helps with document and learning management, and better quality and safety
  • Document management for enterprise-wide quality and safety: Why it matters
  • Critical success factors for implementing change that improves quality performance
  • Adaptability vs. Efficiency: Why modern manufacturing companies need to plan for both
  • The digital transformation playbook for quality leaders
  • 5 Reasons why you need to automate the management review process

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