Not All Suppliers are Key Suppliers: Managing Risk Within Your Supplier Management Program
With supplier risk at an all-time high, there is even greater pressure to properly identify, segment and qualify your suppliers to ensure they add value to your business and your products — especially given the added burden of the pandemic. Learn how to do this in this webinar. We will explain how to establish and implement a comprehensive supplier management system using risk management principles — based on your suppliers’ risk to your business, manufacturing processes and quality system.
Attend and you will be able to:
- Set up a risk-based supplier program that meets quality and regulatory requirements
- Identify quality criteria based upon supplier risk level (key, custom specification, industry standard and service suppliers)
- Apply risk-based supplier qualifications, auditing and monitoring
- Monitor supplier risk without overburdening resources
- Apply examples of supplier quality and risk metrics/key performance indicators (KPIs)