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Join ConQuest 2025 | ComplianceQuest User Conference | April 8–10, Clearwater Beach, FL

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February 10th, 2021 | 33:30

Digital Transformation in Quality Management for Life Sciences and Manufacturing Industries

New technologies and digital transformation offer manufacturing and life sciences companies opportunities across their organizations to get their quality optimized for maximum value. However, there are fundamental building blocks that will have to be put in place whether that’s from a technology standpoint or an operating model for digital transformation to really become an enabler. By marrying “Complete Quality” with predictive analytics, next generation technology, and artificial intelligence across the extended value chain, can help manufacturers optimize and increase efficiency from customer to enterprise to suppliers.

Join this session to learn:

  • How next generation platform harnesses human, community and artificial intelligence to continuously optimize the complete quality cycle
  • Drive a new engagement model that speeds decision-making, rapidly delivers targeted actions, and provides user-personalized interaction and contextually relevant information
  • Digitize and rationalize connected processes to drive efficiencies and cost savings and develop a digital culture that enables new ways of thinking and capabilities

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