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Intelligent Analytics for Improved Quality Performance: Going Beyond Standardized Reports and Leveraging Integrated, Interactive Insights
Blog | September 5th, 2024

Intelligent Analytics for Improved Quality Performance: Going Beyond Standardized Reports and Leveraging Integrated, Interactive Insights

Enterprises across sectors, including automotive, aerospace, manufacturing, healthcare, medical device and pharmaceutical, have truly benefited from next-generation digital transformation and the latest digital tools. These technologies have made it possible for organizations to streamline and automate end-to-end workflows, bringing together people, processes and systems. At the core of this effort is access to real-time data and information - making it easier to bring interdepartmental teams together for more informed decision-making. This is especially true in an area like quality management – from design and development to engineering, manufacturing, supply chain, and customer service, quality touches everything.

However, as businesses expand and operations become more complex, the traditional standardized reports are not enough to facilitate decision-making. Typically, most of this information is static and does not interact with each other. This creates data silos, resulting in a fragmented view that can lead to inaccuracies, which in turn will impact quality performance.

Some of the challenges of standard reports include:

  • Lack of interactivity: The static nature of data leads to an incomplete understanding of quality-related issues. For instance, there may be data on overdue audits. But as the relationship to other elements is not evident, deciding which audit to complete first can be difficult because it is not prioritized with the right insights. This is a tactical challenge that quality leaders face.
  • Limited Visualization Option: Standard reports and dashboards can also be visualized only in limited ways. This leads to a narrow understanding of issues, poor decision-making, and reliance on gut feeling to support decisions.
  • Siloed View: The standard reports provide a very fragmented view of issues as they do not integrate or interact with data from other enterprise systems. This further limits the decision-making capacity of quality leaders.

The Role of Intelligent Analytics

CQ Nonconformance Analytics Dashboard Screenshot
CQ Nonconformance Analytics Dashboard Screenshot

ComplianceQuest offers a cloud-based quality management solution with AI/ML and embedded analytics capabilities. It provides an integrated view of data from across the organization, facilitating faster and more informed decision-making to improve outcomes.

Some of the key benefits include:

  • 360-degree View of Data: One of the biggest advantages of ComplianceQuest's cloud-based solution is that it provides a holistic view of data. It establishes interrelationships between different data points, providing insights that improve the quality of decision-making.
  • Embedded Analytics Advantage: ComplianceQuest stands out as the only Salesforce partner offering embedded analytics directly within records. Unlike standard reports or dashboards, embedded analytics provide a powerful enterprise BI tool, allowing you to connect to external third-party data sources and perform sophisticated calculations or formulas. This feature includes configurable templates that prefilter analytic reports based on the specific data within each record. This approach streamlines decision-making by presenting quality leaders with the most pertinent insights immediately.
  • Wider Visualization Option: The solution provides a wide range of visualization options by providing access to the entire data model. This facilitates a clearer connection between the different objects and how they interact with one another, which improves context-based decision-making.
  • Enhanced Data Integration: The intelligent analytics capability of ComplianceQuest platform also helps to connect with third-party data sources. Data from the PLM, ERP, etc. can be ingested to looking at data holistically.
  • Wider Tooling Options: From a tooling perspective, CQ QualityQuest empowers users with a broad range of capabilities. It offers enhanced flexibility in creating and manipulating datasets, enabling users to extract relevant information efficiently. With advanced formulas and calculations, users can gain deeper insights into areas of concern, significantly improving their understanding and decision-making processes.
cq-intelligent-analytics cq-intelligent-analytics

ComplianceQuest leverages Salesforce platform’s Einstein Analytics capabilities to enhance outcomes. This approach reduces the burden on users by eliminating the need for technical expertise to build these analytics. It also accelerates the time to insights, allowing even non-technical users to draw insights with just a click of a button.

Some of the additional benefits include:

  • Simple Color-Coding System: Enables quicker understanding of results/findings based on criticality.
  • Detailed Drill-Downs: Analyze data based on location, event nature, different programs, or quality parameter types.
  • Trend Capture: Identify trends and develop strategies to address high-risk issues.
  • Drag-and-Drop Visualizations: Create visualizations effortlessly with data sets built behind the scenes.
  • Ready-Made Templates: Offer customizable capabilities to suit specific needs.
  • Embedded Analytics: Add parameters to reports at the time of data usage for enhanced insights.
power-of-real-time-data-analytics power-of-real-time-data-analytics

ComplianceQuest EQMS: Proven Solution Used in 1200+ Locations Globally

ComplianceQuest offers a cloud-based, scalable, and flexible quality management system built on Salesforce and aligned with ISO standards to ensure compliance. It provides end-to-end workflow management, integrating quality at every stage of the production process from design to procurement, manufacturing, testing, and customer care.

With intelligent analytics, ComplianceQuest helps quality leaders and top management identify trends, mitigate risks, and improve quality and compliance more efficiently and effectively. The intelligent analytics capabilities are integrated with all its quality management features, including:

  • Audits
  • CAPA (Corrective and Preventive Actions)
  • Complaints Management
  • Document Management
  • Equipment Management
  • Inspections
  • Training
  • Management Review
  • Nonconformance Management
  • Change Management
  • Digital SOPs
  • Design Controls
  • Risk Management
  • Supplier Management

Businesses can ensure standardization of processes across units and geographies. By capturing trends, ComplianceQuest can predict future risks and continuously improve the effectiveness of risk-based quality management proactively. This empowers business leaders with insights for informed decision-making and uncovers previously unidentified risks, enabling continuous improvement.

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