Top Five Guiding Principles for a Next-Generation EQMS

Whitepaper | June, 2024

In today’s interconnected, complex world, quality and operational excellence frameworks like Lean and Six Sigma are simply not enough by themselves. The smart enterprise of the future will need a quality system that is agile, flexible, connected and data-driven. It should not only drive the execution of quality processes but help future-oriented teams innovate and move forward. It should empower teams to learn and pick up new skills through training, quickly navigate between supplier, customer and internal dashboards and generate insights from quality and operational metrics.

At ComplianceQuest, we are continuously innovating on a platform-based next-generation EQMS to help our customers embrace Quality Excellence.

But, what do we specifically mean by Quality Excellence?

To us, it is a quality system that is placed at the core of all your operations – internal, supplier, customer and all other partners/stakeholders. It has to be agile, flexible, effective, continuously evolving, easy-to-implement, easy-to-track and, most importantly, drives continuous improvement across all touch points of the stakeholders included in scope.
ComplianceQuest’s Next-Gen EQMS has been built on our five guiding design principles aimed to deliver this Quality Excellence for your enterprise:

Principle #1: Core Quality Promise
Enabling critical business decision making

Principle #2: User Experience
Simple, seamless and consistent

Principle #3: Data at its Core
Single source of truth

Principle #4: Standardization and Flexibility
Modular, cloud-based, best practices driven and capable of being tailored

Principle #5: Continued Improvement
Across quality, business process, systems, design and people

In this whitepaper we delve deeper into these guiding principles that make the ComplianceQuest EQMS “next generation” and how it can help lead your organization towards Quality Excellence. Download your copy now.

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