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Ensuring Quality in the Healthcare Supply Chain through Continuous Learning
CQ Hero | December 22nd, 2023

Ensuring Quality in the Healthcare Supply Chain through Continuous Learning

Since stepping into LifeScience Logistics, Jennifer Figueroa-Puga has quickly and ably demonstrated a knack for operational optimization and proactive quality assurance. These attributes eventually evolved into an indispensable pillar of strength and dependability.

Joining just before the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, Figueroa-Puga was armed with an innovative spirit combined with a natural understanding of the workforce’s perspective. She used both to steer her team effectively and inspire changes that improved quality, safety, and, ultimately, the success of the newly implemented ComplianceQuest quality management digital platform.

With years of experience working on production floors, the manufacturing and mechanical engineering graduate understands the complexities and intricacies of the processes. This insight provides a basis for her empathy-driven approach — avoiding unrealistic expectations and encouraging productivity.

Figueroa-Puga is guided not only by empathy. She says, “I can just breathe or sleep better at night knowing where all of the pieces are and not guessing what’s going on. That’s what quality provides. It makes sure that you have a plan, a process, and clarity for everything.”

In the complex and highly regulated industry of logistics, the nightmarish haze of uncertainty is often ubiquitous, but with Figueroa-Puga at the helm, the path becomes clear and navigable. Her meticulous attention to quality provides LifeScience with the guiding light it needs in uncharted territories, shaping every cog of the giant LifeScience machine with purpose, precision, and coherence.

Leading the charge in transitioning to the ComplianceQuest system, Figueroa-Puga was unwavering in her pursuit of improvement. She emphasized that everyone on the team, regardless of their roles, should understand the critical importance of quality and compliance. By democratizing the company’s quality culture, she broke down barriers, making everyone feel invested in the cause, and transforming compliance from an obligation into an essential ethos of LifeScience.

Her proactive attitude didn’t end with the successful deployment of ComplianceQuest. Recognizing that growth, both individual and collective, relies on adaptability and continued learning, Figueroa-Puga consistently encourages her team to take ownership and lean into challenges.

In her words: “You have to understand that the industry will continue to change. And if you stay stuck in your ways, you’re going to stay stuck. So, continue to learn. Take on these new opportunities. Say yes to more things than you say no to. I think that’s important. Challenges are stressful, but stress can be good. Stress doesn’t have to be a bad thing. That’s when we grow, right? So, continue to grow. And when you continue to grow, you’re just happier.”

A hallmark of Figueroa-Puga's leadership style is her authenticity and transparency, and encouraging her team members to actualize their full potential. In her individual discussions with them about career development, she doesn’t shy away from openly acknowledging the changes in the industry and aligns them with company goals. Currently, Figueroa-Puga is directing her team towards self-sufficiency, knowledge acquisition, and cross-training, while continuously building their competence and versatility.

As LifeScience Logistics bravely navigates through the remnants of a healthcare crisis that has strained every segment of the supply chain, the burden of providing assurance and confidence falls upon leaders like her. Striving for optimal performance while securing quality and safety is an intimidating task, but she manages it effortlessly, molding her into a hero — often unseen, but always significant.

The innovative and compliance-driven mindset of Jennifer Figueroa-Puga resonates in every corner of LifeScience, reinforcing the trust and confidence some of the world’s largest healthcare companies place in the company.

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