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Case Study | July 29th, 2022

Heroes Without Capes – 2 CQ Heroes Prioritizing Quality and Safety to Transform their Company’s Culture

Quality management plays a crucial role in any company’s growth and performance. It is also a key resource in the competition for customer relationships, striving to deliver a superior experience.

The success of your company depends on maintaining quality at all times. To ensure that the products meet the highest quality standards and perform at their best, businesses should put in place a set of procedures. The end goal is to enhance customer satisfaction and drive business growth.

It is also true that Quality and Safety are correlated. Safety improves quality and productivity. When operations are unsafe, they aren’t well-managed. Employees will not be motivated nor mindful, and employee churn will be far greater.

When workers are stressed, dissatisfied, or unable to finish their tasks, quality and productivity both suffer. However, when workplaces are secure, employees are free to concentrate on their effectiveness and productivity. The safer the organization is, the less frequently the organization will experience large-scale disruption.

A true business leader understands the importance of both Quality and Safety. Here is the story of 2 business leaders, Renee Linssen, Director of EHS, ClearStream Energy Services and Ron Shah, Vice President of Quality Assurance, Ocean Insight, who are redefining quality and safety and making both a priority in their organizations.

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