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Digitization of MRM – Paving the Way Forward
Blog | March 2nd, 2022

Digitization of MRM – Paving the Way Forward

In the Socratic dialogue ‘Republic’, Plato famously wrote, “necessity is the mother of invention”. We are literally seeing this proverbial saying becoming true, as global lockdown has drastically accelerated the use of technology, digitization, and new forms of working and enabling businesses to shift digitize their processes in some or other forms.

This blog explains why the digitization of MRM is essential in today’s world. This blog is based on the whitepaper “Management Review Meeting (MRM) – Let’s think again!”.

The Growing Importance of Digitization of MRM

Be it e-commerce, working from remote locations efficiently, the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) in varied ways to improve operations or revolutions in manufacturing, pharmaceutical, medical devices, diagnostics, etc, each and every industry and domain has evolved substantially in their own unique ways favoring globally. But one change is common in all these, the shift from traditional onsite meetings to e-meetings.

A McKinsey survey published in October 2020 observed that organizations are three times more likely that at least 80% of their customer interactions in the future would be digitally performed.

The Shift from Face-to-face Meetings to Virtual Meetings

Face-to-face meetings have undergone a paradigm shift to virtual meetings. Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution states that “evolution happens by natural selection”. The theory seems to be relevant in the current context too and no doubt ‘virtual meetings’ are an outcome of it.

For ages, we have been on good terms with the face-to-face meeting, but now we have a worthy alternative that has long existed but has been more in practice during and post-lockdown that had put restrictions on our movement. And not just the meetings, even the way we work today has changed tremendously; from working in the office to the widely new norms of ‘Work From Home’. Organizations globally are accepting this new reality steadily.

How Important is Virtual MRM

“You must remember, traditionally meetings meant visiting and seeing a person for a discussion. Now, given the current scenario, we need to think that, can we still afford to do so? Is this an absolute necessity from a business point of view?”

The answer to the former is ‘No’, whereas to the latter is ‘Yes’. We cannot do onsite MRM considering the dynamic situation of the pandemic and at the same time, we cannot afford to skip it completely. Unless we address them simultaneously, we might find it hard to take a call on going ahead with virtual meetings and exactly that’s where the point lies when it comes to QMS and MRM being a core part of business operations.

One may argue on the advantages or disadvantages of face-to-face onsite meetings and virtual/e-meetings but for sure it’s too early to conclude what is good for the future. But we can’t deny the fact that it paints us a thought-provoking picture that shouldn’t be ignored. In April 2020, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella stated “we’ve seen two years’ worth of digital transformation in two months. This is a “crystal clear indication” about the evolution that started happening.

ComplianceQuest’s Management Review Solution

CQ’s Management Review solution uses next-generation control towers to provide you with end-to-end visibility. It provides real-time actionable insights to help you understand the upstream and downstream effects of the actions taken, allowing you to better anticipate disturbances, boost resiliency, and prioritize responses. Executive leaders can use these insights to discuss the next course of action making the management review process more meaningful.

Meetings can’t be avoided, no matter how hard you try. One of the key features of CQ’s Management Review solution is meeting management. It is a tool that helps in planning and guiding team meetings to ensure meetings are fruitful and focused.

From meeting preparation to minutes, scheduling, planning, and even task management, meeting management offers everything in one place.

Know more about ComplianceQuest’s Management Review solution by requesting an online demo:

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